Voice Link of Columbus Employment Application

While we are not currently looking to fill a position, we're always interested in potential candidates to join our team.
  • Applicants must be local to Columbus, GA. We are not hiring remote team members.
  • Applicants must be available to work weekdays and weekends.
  • We pay weekly (every Friday).
  • Our current starting hourly rate is competitive to the region.
  • Plus a monthly bonus of a $1/hour worked for perfect attendance the previous month (potentially ~$160 bonus!).
First Name *
Last Name *
Current Street Address
Postal Code
Current Phone Number *
Your Email address *
Are you over 18?
Earned Your Highschool or GED
How many words per minute can you type (WPM)?
Based on the number of messages we take for clients, your typing speed is an important factor, along with and just as important, your typing accuracy. If you are unsure, simply find a website that will do the speed test for you and input that number here.
Call Center Experience
Do you have reliable transportation to work?
Having reliable transportation is crucial for arriving to your shift on time.
Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
Employment desired
When can you start?
Are you available to work Over Time?
You must be available for one day each weekend.
Availability is a critical aspect of our 24/7 business.
What is your expected hourly rate? (in $)
When are you available to work? (Days and times)
You may expand all the boxes that have the dots in the lower right corner
Reference Name
Phone Number




Upload Resume *
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Drag a file here
Only PDF, DOC or DOCX accepted and less than 2MB
Audio Recording
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Drag a file here
Required for consideration: Please record an audio file of who you are and why you feel you would be a good addition to the team!
(Only wav and mp3 files accepted - less than 10MB)

** If you are unable to upload an audio file, please call our Interview Mailbox and leave us a voicemail on (706) 984-6600
Employee referral? Name:
Did a team member refer you? If so, please share their name with us.

After submitting this form successfully, you will be taken to our typing challenge. You must complete the challenge at least once, but can do it several times if you'd like.
Please type in the Case Sensitive letters/numbers to the left.
* Please fill in the required fields
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